Heinze ArchitekTOUR 2023

Bei der diesjährigen ArchitekTOUR 2023, dem Networkevent des Baubranchenverzeichnisses Heinze, war auch die Clina mit einem eigenen Messestand vertreten. An beiden historischen Veranstaltungsorten in der Fischauktionshalle in Hamburg und den Rathenau-Hallen in Berlin zeigten die Besucher reges Interesse an dem Clina Kapillarrohrsystem und unseren gezeigten Produkten.
Clina News


Retrofitting the heating system, reducing costs, protecting the environment

Article in the Bel Etage magazine

The diversity of the capillary tube mat

Energy saving | very low installation height | environmentally friendly and energy-efficient heating & cooling | many installation options | perfect retrofit of old buildings | problem-free retrofitting with Clina capillary tube mats

Newspaper article


Heating & cooling with capillary tube technique in the "Rotating House"

Article in the Bel Etage magazine

A round building shell and rotatable in all directions, that's what the "Drehhaus Nr. 4" ("Rotating House No. 4") offers... | The most important energy source is the sun. The building is oriented towards the sun and is designed in such a way that sunlight permanently floods the house... | Clina capillary tube mats in the ceiling and floor provide cosy warmth and pleasant cooling...


Newspaper article


25 years Clina capillary tube mats

Article in the "CCI Zeitung"

Interview with Dipl.-Ing. Bechir Chahed, founder and owner of Clina Heiz- und Kühlelemente GmbH, on the occasion of the company's 25th anniversary.

Newspaper article


Early planning | Combined heating and cooling ceilings

Article in the "CCI Zeitung"

Heating and cooling ceiling systems offer architecturally attractive or invisible solutions in building technology to ensure comfort. For surface temperature control, there are different variants in wet and dry construction. Since the systems merge with the building both visually and structurally, heating and cooling ceilings should be considered as early as possible in the planning process.

Newspaper article


Healthy living climate and unique comfort

Article in the Bel Etage magazine

Tenants and owners of buildings or flats expect a healthy indoor climate with comfortable temperatures, free from draughts and without noise pollution. They want a system that reacts quickly.

Newspaper article


Berlin tests cooled hospital rooms with Clina capillary tube mats

Clina News

As part of the research group 1736 "Urban Climate and Heat Stress in mid - latitude cities in view of climate change (UCaHS)" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), which has been working on heat stress risks in Berlin since June 2012 (see www.UCaHS.org), 2 patient rooms at the Charité Berlin were equipped with Clina capillary tube mats for silent cooling.

Clina news


Moderner Holzbau mit effizientem Flächenheizsystem

Artikel in Moderne Gebäudetechnik

Kapillarrohr-Heizsystem im Lehmputz | gesunde Strahlungswärme mit minimalem Energieverbrauch | flexibel und einfach zu installieren | platzsparend

